Below you will find a selection transfer panels for switching power between Hydro and an emergency utility. Home builders – take note: save money and increase your ROI by having your Electrician route all important circuits into an emergency sub-panel or transfer switch during construction and have us deliver the generator after the dust has settled. During a blackout or any loss of power it will detect a loss of utility power and turn on your generator before switching to backup power – automatically. Think of it as physical insurance for your home.
7.5-24 Kw Guardian series ATS load panel
Maximum rated panel load: 100 Amp
Combining an auto transfer switch with a subpanel, have your electrician wire all your essential loads here and be prepared for the future. Must be used in conjunction with a Generac product. CSA approved. Phone for current pricing, breakers not included.

Generac Transfer Switch
Rated load: 100, 200 & 400 Amp 1 phase & 3 phase up to 480V
Designed for whole house or commercial panel protection. To be used in conjunction with a 7.5 to 100 Kw Generac generator. Switch comes standard with load shedding capability. CSA approved, call for current pricing.

Generac Service Entrance Rated Transfer Switch
Rated load: 100, 200, 400 Amp Single Phase
Designed for whole house or commercial panel protection. To be used in conjunction with a 16- 48 Kw Generac single phase generator. CSA approved. Call for current pricing.

Vigilant 2 wire start transfer panel
Maximum rated panel load: 100 amp
On-board logic allows you to protect essential loads with a smaller, 2 wire start Gillette generator or equivalent. CSA approved, breakers not included.

Vigilant Transfer Panel
Rated load: 100 to 1250Amp 1 phase & 3 phase up to 480V
2 wire start technology, fully automatic and still cheaper than a manual transfer switch! CSA approved. Call for price & availability.

ASCO Series 300 Automatic Transfer Panel
Rated load: 100 to 3000Amp 1 phase & 3 phase up to 600V
Designed for our Industrial customers, these units are designed for customers that require 600/347V or want to be able to alter when their generator exercises. Available settings are 7, 14, 21 & 28 days. Factory set for 28 days, standard 2-wire start technology. CSA approved, call for updated pricing.
